The Next Chapter

A rambling, nonsensical yarn about a guy who no longer cared where he was going and got lost alot on his way to California.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Truth or Consequences

Trip 2: 3,510 miles, 56 hours drive time

Not much to say about yesterday's trip. I-10 west of San Antonio is possibly the most desolate stretch of road in the United States. Not even an occasional mobile home. Just the same desert, desert, desert. Cacti. Saw a porcupine that was hit by a vehicle.

Got to El Paso (full name El Paso Del Rio Del Norte) which used to be a major trade route in the old Texas territory when it was still part of Mexico. But there's something that wasn't there back then.

The only way I could describe our border is that we're trying to imprison Mexicans in their own country.

Between the INS Border Patrol (spaced every thousand feet), barbed wire, the irrigation canal, and the Rio Grande, you get the impression that maybe they would have an illegal immigration problem. Looking over the border into Mexico, you might understand why. It's a craphole. I mean, picture the worst neighborhood you've ever seen. Now cover it in dirt and debris, broken down cars, and signs in Spanish. That's Juarez, Mexico.

"Hey, man... make a run for the border!..." Posted by Hello

I know for a fact all of Mexico is not that way. I've seen better parts with my own two eyes. But if we're alledgedly the great capitalists, I wonder why we don't buy land in Mexico and work in the US. There must be rules of which I am not aware. Maybe there's a crime issue. Who knows?


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