The Next Chapter

A rambling, nonsensical yarn about a guy who no longer cared where he was going and got lost alot on his way to California.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Crescent City

(as written the morning after)

Here's some early lessons from being in the French Quarter at high party time:

1) It's only fun if you have lots of people with you to remember every stupid thing you do.
2) A girl is likely to show her chest if she's with a large group of people, with a good number of other girls.
3) A girl is also likely to show her chest when it's not one you'd want to see (ewww...)
4) If you ask a waitress for one shooter, you'll get two forced on you and have to pay (and tip) for both. But the presentation is... interesting...
5) Much of the liquor is watered down.
6) There are no covers to any sex entertainment establishment!! (just a 4 drink minimum)
7) You don't need to pay to hear the music, except if you go in the bar (!?!?)
8) The really interesting people don't get to the party until after 1 AM, so have patience. Have a drink (chuckle).

"What are you doing up there?" "Up here? What are YOU doing down there?" Posted by Hello

Canal Street on a foggy, misty winter night. Posted by Hello

Ate dinner at a restaurant of Emeril Lagasse's called Nola; it's relatively new and it is a different upscale restarant experience because the staff is allowed to be relaxed and human (instead of being stiff and professional) and the food is all "experimental" combinations. So naturally I took the "a little of each" option. Chose a good wine, and thus started the night. I got lost on the way, but I had a guardian hoser looking out for me (thanks Steve).

Anyway, it was interesting and alotta fun, but would have been more fun 10 years ago with a group of people who like to drink alot.

Onward to San Antonio...


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